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Chipmunks are part of the squirrel family, and while they look similar to their bushy-tailed cousins, chipmunks are actually smaller, with alternating light and dark stripes along their cheeks and backs. There are 25 …


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How to Get Rid of Chipmunks Using Traps or Repellants

Bait the trap so that chipmunks cannot retrieve bait from outside the trap. Applying peanut butter directly to the trap's trigger plate often works well. Check the trap often, and relocate the animal as soon as it is trapped. Release it in a suitable habitat at least 5 miles from your home, or as specified by local law.

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Chipmunk | Diet, Habitat, & Facts | Britannica

chipmunk, (genus Tamias), any of 25 species of small, striped, terrestrial squirrels with large internal cheek pouches used for transporting food.They have prominent eyes and ears, a furry tail, and delicate claws.All are active only during the day, and all but one are North American, occurring from southern Canada to west-central Mexico.Body …