List of RAN Online Activities | Ran Online Wiki | Fandom
Provides Sorcerer Training information, and sells the Sorcerer related goods. Provides the related campus' information and assigns missions. Provides free medical treatment for …
Provides Sorcerer Training information, and sells the Sorcerer related goods. Provides the related campus' information and assigns missions. Provides free medical treatment for …
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Price. Function. Burr. Refining item that improves weapon power to a maximum of +4. Fine Burr. Refining item that improves weapon power to a maximum of +9. Refining failure …
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RAN Online Item Mix System Guide by FM Oracle. What is the Item Mix System? – Allows the player to combine items to produce a higher grade potion or equipment.
Refining item that improves defense to a maximum of +4. Luxury Protection Potion. Use to increase Defense to a maximum of +9. Upgrading failure may cause then vanishment of …
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Ran Online Release (แบ่งปัน) Dev_L : 111280: noteweihei 05:45: หน้าเว็บ Ran เอาไปแก้ไขรูปเอานะครับ: Ran Online Release (แบ่งปัน) nongponddd.17 : 8955: dew2639 14:25 [Reshare] …