Холбоо барих – cabinet.gov.mn

Холбоо барих. Монгол Улсын Засгийн газрын Хэрэг эрхлэх газар Төрийн Ордон, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, 6-р хороо, 14201, Их жанжин Д.Сүхбаатарын нэрэмжит талбай. Утас: (976-51) 260817, (976-51) 262408.

Product Price List

Haas Mini Mills are the industry standard for compact machining centers. They are perfect for schools, start-up shops, or as a first step into CNC machining. Loaded with full-size …


Солонго. community Leader. Манай Бэрхшээл ба Боломж Podcast-нд ярилцлаганд орох, Сошиал Медиа харилцаа үйл ажиллагаатай холбоотой асуудлаар надтай холбогдоорой. Утас: 77156053, 99156053. Имэйл: unurmaa@monicabatsukh ...

Mini Mills

The Original Compact Machines. Haas Mini Mills are the industry standard for compact machining centers. They are perfect for schools, start-up shops, or as a first step into …

Холбоо барих

Утас: 7027-2999, 7027-3161, 7027-3805 Имэйл: [email protected] . Ажиллах цагийн хуваарь ... холбоо барих утасныхаа дугаарыг бичсэн байх ёстойг анхаарна уу. Харин хамтран гомдол, мэдээлэл гаргаж буй тохиолдолд хүн ...

Haas MM2 Series Datasheet

The Mini Mill 2 and Super Mini Mill 2 offer the same combination of small footprint, full CNC capabilities and affordable price, but with extended travels of 20" x 16" x 14" – a 4" increase on each axis. Need more tools? The MM2 has options for a 20-pocket carousel tool changer or a 24+1 tool side-mount. Mini Mill 2 Super Mini Mill 2

Холбоо барих

Холбоо барих. Лавлах утас: 7706 0303 7708 0303 Хүлээн авах яаралтай тусламж: 7712 0103 Урьдчилан Сэргийлэх үзлэгийн төв: 9666 7788 Маркетингийн алба: 9666 1111

Used Haas

Haas offers two models of 40 taper horizontal mills, the Haas EC-400 and the EC-500. Both feature a full 4-axis, twin pallet setup, which allows for versatile, high-accuracy positioning. These machines have the capacity to cut a variety of metals including alloy steels, stainless steels, cast iron, as well as the speed to cut through aluminum ...


Холбоо барих Цахим шуудан: [email protected] Холбоо барих утас: Диспетчер: 11-453501 (24 цагийн турш) АЖИЛТНУУДЫН УТАСНЫ ЖАГСААЛТ Нэгж Албан тушаал Овог Нэр Ажлын утас Гар утас Удирдлага Дарга …

Product Price List

95-Gallon (360 liter) Coolant Tank with 1 hp (0.75 kW) pump; flows 12 gpm @ 30 psi (45 L/min @ 2 bar) @ 60 Hz, and features a multi-section labyrinth design that prevents chips from reaching the coolant pump. Note: The UMC-500 and UMC-500SS require a hopper-style chip bin to clear the 95-gallon (360 L) coolant tank. Price.

Haas CNC For Sale

Prices for these begin around $20,000 for new. Indexers have model numbers like HA5C, HA5C-T, HA5CS, HA5C2, HA5C3 and more. They can be single-spindle or multi-spindle and have new prices ranging from $8,000 to $13,000. When buying used Haas CNC, sometimes you'll find that rotary table and/or indexers included.


Haas Mini Mills provide an economical solution for small parts machining in a compact package that is loaded with full-size features. MENU MENU. Machines. ... Mini Mill; 406 x 305 x 254 mm, 40 taper, 7.5 hp vector drive, 4000 rpm (upgrade options available), 10-station automatic tool changer, coolant pump, power-failure detection module, 1 GB ...